2nd Tag.. dari GG adikku

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


1. How many time have you been in love?
jatuh cinta bnyk kali.. tp tu sume hanya perasaan main2.. skrg alhamdulillah.. kali ni btul2 jatuh la..cinta kali ni saye seyes! cinta sepenuh hati!..hehe

2. Songs that make you remind of him?
Lagu "Just Feel Better" nyanyian Santana ft Steven Tyler.. ahaha.. lagu die nyanyi dlm kete mase 1st kuar same.. mase baru kenal2 lagi.. kenal mase bulan puase 2 tahun lepas.. lagi lagu "Im Yours" nyanyian Jason Mraz.. die suke nyanyi lagu tu.wee

3. What is the romantic thing that you do for him, or he do for you?
Dia bagi cincin kat saye.. weee.. dah setahun lebeh ditangan ni..hehe.. Insyallah ade jodoh, dapat lagi cincin! kih3.. n lagi satu, saat g date..die suke bawak g tempat2 yang saye suke.. hehe

4. Nicknames he uses to call you?
personally die pggl "cyg".. tp kalu dpn org panggil mie..ahahaha

5. List places you go with him?
a lot! paling suke time die bwk maen games kat Times Square.. kami jerit same2..ahahaah.

nak plan sgt pg tempat yang best2 same2..

6. What is the best memories with him?, (picture is better)
Dihari die tetapkan tarikh our marriage.. Insyallah ade jodoh pada tarikh tersebut..
(Tarikh bg klu sket.. tarikh smlm.. tahun rahsie) heheehehe

7. What is his birthday, if you remember?
alamak.. erkk.. heheh mestila 15/5/85... senang kan nak ingat..hehe

8. List gifts from him that you like?
His love!

9. How you declare ur love to him,and how you accept his love ?
er er.. mau rahsiakan buleh

10. How long you take to forget him?
huihh.. tak pernah lupe sey.. shushah2.. tido mimpi die.. ye saye angau..

11. What is his physical part that you like about him?
lengan2! gagah perkasa.. kih3

12. What is he doing right now?
alamak.. tatau.. td tgh ym dgn die.. tp detibe ilang.. where r u daling??

13. Can you accept him (your ex-love) back if he want to?
No.. my heart belongs to sumone else

14. Have you contact him (ex) when you with your partner?
yerrr.. nak buat pe msg die

15. Have you done something inappropriate with him (ex) before?

16. Did you go out with him (ex), without been known by your partner?
yayaya.. tak perlu la..

17. 2 things from him (ex) that you keep, without been known by your partner?
nothings to hide

18. Do you think your relationship with him (ex) is hotter than with your partner?
tak tak.. die milikku skrg yang terbaik ever!

19. Do you hide something in your mobile phone from your partner?
tak perlu hide2 pape.. die slalu check.. kih3

20. Have you cheated or try to cheat your partner?
Honesty is the best policy.. no la.. tak pernah terniat nak curang.. NOWAY!

For you sayangku

I dont know why you are so special to me
Why I like you?
Why I care for you?
Why i always think of you?
Why I love you?
but one thing for sure
I know that my life won't be like this without you!


alan hussin said...

wao2! sungguh romantik..mcam tengok citer korea..haha..mie, alan tengok adam mempunyai ciri lelaki melayu terakhir..susah nak dapat dipasaran skang...so jangan cari lain woa..rugi2..takot nyesal kemudian hari..haha.INGAT TU!

Jijie Kusya♥ said...

hahaha alan siap bg warning... betol2 longg....jgn cari lain....

Mimie KusyA said...

wah!! baik! saye takkan cari laen.. takkan lepaskan die! hahahha.. yey! dapat lelaki melayu terakhir tu.. heee..yipiee! btul2! tanak rugi!

Liquid said...

waa sweet..!! =)
sy doakan smpai ke jinjang pelamin taw..!!
jgn lupe ajak mkn nsik myk free t... ehehehehe.

Mimie KusyA said...

heeee.. amin2! thnx nuar! u too! ohh insyallah2! hehe

Anonymous said...

kih3..kembang dh seluruh badan nie.hahha...leh wat sequel 'perempuan melayu terakhir' nie..mne2 pengarah nk panggil sy berlakon bley reply kat blog nie ek..kpd spe2 yg kuat memuji nie nnt sy blanje mkn k.hihi...

Attila razmie said...

woow..setia tul mimie..:p bagus la..kita jgn main2kn org sbb nanti plak y akan dibalas..huhu neway semoga hubungan anda kekal abadi selamanya hingga ke jinjang pelamin k..horey..nak makan nasi minyak~!! muahaha

Mimie KusyA said...

heeeee.. saye tak maen2..heee shungguh2 ni.. amin2.. Insyallah kalu ade jodoh untuk kami berdue..weeee nanti nak wat nasik minyak spesel untuk iela! hehehe

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